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Care comes in different forms. You can help someone study for a logistics test, you can help someone prepare for a more physical test, you can even simply listen to someone’s story in hopes to resolve a problem they might have.

Whatever the case, all forms of care connect to a single point; acceptance. In order to properly care for someone or something you must be willing to see from its point of view, so that you may be able to assess its situation properly.


In school this can be pretty simple to accomplish. You can find a classmate who is struggling, and help them out. You can form better study habits with them, or even teach them something they don’t know. I, as well as many other students have been able to do this. I had a friend that missed one of my calculus classes. She seemed a little distraught because we were to have a test the very next class. She told me about her issue, and I helped her study. In order to do this I taught her everything she didn’t know, which was almost the entire unit. By the end of the day she knew exactly what to do. She took the test and told me that she had received an advanced. This simple act of care, and acknowledgement helped my friend with her test scores.

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